This is mommy's birthday wish for you, not only today but for the rest of your birthdays... that you will grow up as a good person, strong and independent yet has faith that there is someone out there who is bigger and more powerful.
Mommy will always wish what is best for you and will give anything as long as I can.I will always be your biggest fan, in every milestone, in every achievement.I will always support you in any dreams you have.Mommy will always be here for you, ready to comfort you in times of trials.
Parents will always want what is best for their children.Mommy too, but more than that… . Beyond success in life, I will always wish you fulfilment and happiness!
I love you , anak!
Yay!Got the pictures from Focal Point.Thanks Chris, we love the shots!So let me share with you some pics taken during my daughter’s Christening and 1st birthday celebration last June 14, 2009.(I know it's like a teaser only teeheee! For sure my guests will want to see their pictures! More pics in FB or Picasa!)
Cupcake Tower by Iko's Bakeshop (Supplier of Shakey's Galleria)
Wifey. New mom. WAHM. Cat lover. Coffee lover. Oh, and I love pink and hearts.
Random things that make me happy: Starbucks, Capuccino, Shopaholic Series, Powerbooks, Chico and Delamar, 24, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Bones, Cute notebooks, Mexicali, Ferrero Rocher, a long good sleep during weekends, YM chats with my grandmother, a 'tap-paw' from KT when he wakes me up, Sofie's giggles everytime I kiss her belly, and a once-in-awhile dates with my husband.