Thursday, May 14, 2009


...for more than 3 months!

Oh, yeah! Of course, I have my reasons (errr.. EXCUSES?). Ironic as it may sound but for the past months my mind was filled with scattered thoughts and questions. And yet I opt to be silent. Perhaps amidst the craziness inside me I found comfort in being silent in my internet life (that includes FB, Plurk and GT).

Quarterlife crisis? I don't know because I turned 29 last month and I'm not sure if that is still considered in that age range. LOL!

We also changed our address (literally, we MOVED) and got busy with the fixing and packing, unpacking and ....(okay the fixing is not yet totally done, harhar)!

So, enough of the drama. I am here now and cramming with the preparations for Sofie's baptism and 1st birthday celebration!


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